Embody Only What You Teach; Teach Only What You Embody

Every time I read Dan Millman's novel "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" it impacts me in a profound way. I read it this past weekend, and wanted to share a particular excerpt and lesson from the book that all coaches and leaders should heed.
"A father brought her young son to Mahatma Gandhi. She begged, 'Please, Mahatma. Tell my son to stop eating sugar.'
Gandhi paused, then said, 'Bring your son back in two weeks.' Puzzled, the woman thanked him and said that she would do as he had asked.
Two weeks later, she returned with her son. Gandhi looked the youngster in the eye and said, 'Stop eating sugar.'
Grateful but bewildered, the woman asked, 'Why did you tell me to bring him back in two weeks? You could have told him the same thing then.'
Gandhi replied, 'Two weeks ago, I was eating sugar.'"
Embody only what you teach; teach only what you embody.