If You Don't Like it, Pitch Better

I’ve been a fan of David Price for a long time, since his Vanderbilt days.  I loved watching him throw out of the pen for the Rays in the 2008 playoffs, and so when the Jays got him in 2015 I was fired up (mostly because it meant we were actually going all in to make the playoffs, but also to get to watch him pitch every five days).

MLB: ALDS-Texas Rangers at Toronto Blue Jays

Price’s mantra is, “If you don’t like it, pitch better.”

These are incredibly powerful words to live by, not just on the baseball field, but in every aspect life.

Coach isn’t playing you enough?  Play better with opportunities you are given.

Results in the gym have stagnated?  How disciplined have you been with your nutrition and sleep?  Do you half ass your warm-ups?  Skip reps and sets when you aren’t quite feeling it? Be better

Haven’t gotten that promotion at work?  Be better.

Has your relationship stagnated?  Be a better husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend.  Feel like they take you for granted?  When’s the last time you went the extra mile for them?


It’s an incredibly difficult thing to do, but when life isn’t giving you the results you want, look in the mirror FIRST.  I tell my baseball players all the time: control what you can control.  The same holds true for life, and the only thing you can control is you.  So if you’re not where you want to be stop pointing fingers and making excuses.


Don’t like it? Pitch better.