Stuff to Check Out: March Edition

Welp.  Who would have believed this?  To preface this I hope everyone is doing ok.  Stay healthy!  Since we all have more downtime, here’s this month’s edition of stuff to check out.

The Dave Chang Show – Angela Duckworth


This was a really good podcast (I love Dave Chang).  Angela Duckworth wrote a book called Grit and they delve deep into the subjects of perseverance and work ethic – but the scope of the talk is far broader than that.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Problem With Pivot Picks – Taylor Burns

I wrote this in-depth blog about some common flaws I see in this great throwing drill and how to address them – specifically how we used the pivot pick to change how a remote athlete of mine was throwing.  So far he had some really solid results.


Functional Stability Training – Eric Cressey & Mike ReinoldFST Complete Package

This resource from two of the best in the industry has been phenomenal.  It was well worth the investment and I would put it near the top of must-read resources for strength and conditioning professionals.


Find A Way – Dean Somerset

This was a really good article by Dean directed towards fitness professionals in light of the current reality we are all faced with.


Below is an awesome IG post about the issues with putting too much stock in static posture assessments.  While it is certainly important to take note of an individual’s resting posture – it’s only to know their starting point.  If you were to only look at resting posture you’d end up with a lot of false assumptions.


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It’s always special when an athlete hits their first 90 off the mound!


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I published this thread outlining some of the things Myles does well in his delivery which allows him to throw 90 mph, as well as what we are working on to make that next step.